
Yeah, same. I get morbid when talking about the world and how it feels like it's dying, even the digital parts. I want to carve out this small piece and say I tried, though. I love experimenting with 3D websites too...

The Why

The internet is shrinking. It's always been shrinking. It used to be the norm to have your own website. That's why the movement to make our own websites is called the web revival or old web revival. It's a return to our roots. But the shrinking didn't start with facebook or twitter. It started with places like myspace and bebo. Places where you could still heavily customize your page to be utterly unique but didn't need to fuss with domains or anything too complicated. They were also far easier to find. There were a lot of benefits to a myspace page that a website like geocities couldn't give you. Then we started accepting places like facebook. No customization other than pictures and words, banners and profile pics. Banners are slowly disappearing from the internet. We use less and less unique sites as our social media adapts to provide whatever the popular media type is. The internet is shrinking because corporations have always been herding us. It has to stop, and it has to start with us.

Doing what you preach. What's ethically or morally correct, is hard. Did you know being a vegan is not about morals but a strict lifestyle? To own chickens is against veganism, even if you're saving them from suffering at the hands of another. Even when the chickens directly roll an egg towards you because they want you to have it, to take it is against veganism. In the same way, I feel a lot of people on the internet are just as false. They say the right things but what they're actually about is quite different. Sometimes its about their own popularity, or money, or maybe they just want to feel superior because they have a website and most people don't. Other people want a website but get scared by the coding rather than giving it an earnest try (html is very easy!). They get spooked by the fact its technology, that its not a bright UI with lots of pictures to hold their hand. To revive something is to muck about in its guts, and thats what building a website is.

To put it simply, I am a necromancer bringing back the internet I grew up with. I am someone actually doing something rather than just saying I will or following an ideology rather than morals. I am doing my best no matter how hard it is. And the result is this eclectic website.