Favorite Worlds: Cozy

Udon Bird Sanctuary
Made by my friend!! Chris is a lovely person.

Treehouse in the Shade
A classic.

Yayoi Starfield

ROOT'S HOME (2024)
Cozy place to watch videos, secret method to watch movies.

VirtualFurence Furry Convention Hotel Estrel Berlin
Con blues? Great way to shake it off and enjoy a far away place.

紫陽花岬 -Cape Hydrangea-
Not particularly large but there's an added cuteness in that.

Firelink Shrine (Dark Souls)
Familiarity breeds coziness and this can be a surreal experience if you've played dark souls.



Happy Hill Dog Park

Horse Mountain

【星骸の岩宿】Stellaskalabri (Mokuri PJ)

【星骸の岩宿・夜】Stellaskalabri at Night(MOKURI PJ)

Music Visualizer 1․4․6

Draw Fireworks

Baka Mitai Bar - Yakuza

Fireworks garden

Make music using the rain and some buckets. Has a little story in it too.

HARBOR shina-shina (Udon)

Favorite Worlds: Unique

Thad Recursive Room

Thad Recursive Garden

Thad Mandelbox

Thad Magic Mirrors - マジカル鏡

Create a Trip
Warning: can be very laggy

Putt Putt Pond
https://vrchat.com/home/world/wrld_740c3481-9d4b-446e-8bb7-c94b00c53801 The Ultimate Spider-Lair https://vrchat.com/home/world/wrld_e54f6579-ceb1-4805-a967-e869e586b8d2 CN's Ballpit and Lo-Fi Warning: laggy https://vrchat.com/home/world/wrld_c4e61164-c854-42d3-a70c-17d0d68a141b Space Colony "Island-4" https://vrchat.com/home/world/wrld_b9f80349-74af-4840-8ce9-a1b783436590 Floating-point Precision Breakdown https://vrchat.com/home/world/wrld_99c1394a-86b6-4428-a064-5113a13ba87d Silent Hill P․T․ Best way to play P.T. these days. https://vrchat.com/home/world/wrld_32bfc2f2-724e-4875-ba56-0f2a175970b6 Eccentric Rooms

Favorite Worlds: Old/Breaking

Interplanetary Cruise Ship
Multiplayer has broken entirely, best enjoyed alone now.

Drive different cars
No longer updated, cars may break at any point.

The Great Plateau - Zelda˸ Breath of the Wild
No longer updated, may break at any point.

Tsumuri Kart
No longer updated but a joy to play. Entire series on the author's page.