
Changeling, Changedling, and Queen Siphon. Starlet Shadow

Mahameli design and some old concept art

About Me And MLP

My start with MLP was actually way back in the awkward start of gen 3, where I was really into collecting cool ponies to fill out my big castle playset. Hated the movies, but liked the personality descriptions for all the ponies which made me fall for Sunny Daze and Princess Minty. I followed G4 from the start for its interesting art style and stayed for the fun worldbuilding, which included getting into a lot of roleplay through it's long runtime. Not a big fan of G5 but haven't had the time to really get into it and make a solid judgement, though I don't appreciate what they did to everything G4 had built up to.

Theres a couple canons here displayed for each character, along with level 1 sheets for each MLP related tabletop (MLPRPG, Tails of Equestria aka ToE, Ponyfinder 5e). I may add Ponyfinder 1ePF and 2ePF at some point, but I've never actually played Pathfinder. These canons are just the roleplays they've been in thus far, and I'm always glad to include them in more. I used Mahameli as my primary MLP OC up until A Canterlot Wedding where I used a changeling named Proxy, and eventually renamed them Siphon due to encountering a lot of other Proxys. I will include some Minecraft canon adventures here at a later date too. I've played on every MLP server from the original Ponycraft, to Squarehorse. Others include PonyvilleSquare, Pony Frontiers (modded), Ponycraft (modded), Brohoof, and Bronytales.


The very same okapi from [mahameli] but ponified. She's an alchemist and her cutiemark is Aquarius or 'Multiplication' in traditional alchemy. She came to Equestria to study new techniques to bring back to her people.

In Ponyfinder canon, she ran into Midnight Sonata while picking herbs in the forest and fell in love with the local guardian of the forest. Their people may have differing mythologies, but very similar traditions, especially when it comes to respecting nature and keeping bonds in the community strong.

Razzle Dazzle

A pink unicorn with yellow, bright purple, and hot pink hair. She loves to accessorize with hearts and bows and spends forever keeping her mane perfectly curly but not too curly. She's a bright, kind, chipper soul as well as an expert in knowing how to make something or somecreature really shiny. You could say she knows just where to add the *razzle dazzle*. Her cutiemark is yellow, purple, and hot pink fireworks and represents her special talent in magical performance. She specializes in illusions and imbuning items.

In Ponyfinder canon, she's a traveling showpony who meets Mahameli and Midnight while seeking herbs to make magical (harmless) explosives. She ends up helping them seek a way to save the forest from a magical pest problem only to end up part of their merry band stopping all sorts of threats.

In Tails of Equestria, she attends Twilight's Friendship school with Siphon the changeling and Scratch the dragon. Siphon used to be Starlet Shadow, her beloved understudy, and she's forgiven her for hiding her identity. When Scratch loses his will to adventure after being poison joke'd, Razzle Dazzle decides to press on without him and solves The Mystery of the Statuettes, opening up The Umberdark to ponykind once more.

In MLP RPG, she once again forgave Starlet Shadow for actually being Siphon and set out on an adventure to save their home from Chrysalis while Princess Twilight kept things from getting any worse. She's also the new element of kindness.

She's actually my little sister's OC, but I did the design work.


A hippogryph version of Razzle Dazzle whos special talent is her extreme swiftness regardless if its land, sea, or air. She sees good in everyone and tends to rush head-first into everything at great speed, sometimes literally.

In Tails of Equestria, she attends Twilight's Friendship school and is asked to adventure to gain some worldly experience before she can graduate. Siphon, her senior, decides to go with her, and they become fast friends. She solves many little adventures before returning to graduate, her most notable being the repair of the P.R.A.N.C.E.R.

Little sister's OC, but my design work. She didn't end up liking magic in any tabletop and went hard in the other direction, but loved the colors.

Midnight Sonata

A dark gray batpony with black hair streaked with navy. Usually seen wearing a navy cloak to blend into the night, which hides his wingblades and his cutiemark, a tree over a navy shield. His special talent is the protection of nature.

In Ponyfinder, he's a soft, shy boy who just wants the safety of the forest his people live in. He doesn't even realize he's fallen in love until Mahameli is endangered by the magical beasts of the forest that have turned violent. He begrudgingly accepts Razzle Dazzle's help as well, but never comes to trust magic that doesn't have a bit of nature to it even when he comes to like Razzle Dazzle.

In Story Canon, he's a softie who recognizes Siphon for what she is immediately but doesn't blame her for her nature. He encourages her to express herself however she wishes even if its scary or not pretty. Siphon, in turn, teaches him to open up and speak his mind freely.

My design work, partner's OC. I redid his design a decade later to fit my honed skills in character design.

Siphon and Starlet Shadow

A changeling with a light blue elytra, mane, tail, and eyes. A queen changeling with the same features, but now her mane is fuller and cut short and neat. A changedling that's bright sky blue with a teal belly and neon green eyes, elytra, and tail. She is all of these, and more, given her ability to disguise as anycreature including the elusive Starlet Shadow.

In Tails of Equestria canon, she's a changedling attending Twilight's Friendship School, enrolling a few months after Ocellus. She helps her dear friend Razzle Dazzle however she can, seeing it as a kind of penitence after lying to her for so long about her true self. She gives all the credit of ending the Statuette curse to Razzle and ends up helping Swiftstar as well, finding her place as an adventurer-mentor.

In MLP RPG, she is a changeling who comes clean about herself to get Razzle Dazzle's help in saving Equestria. She's come to love Ponyville and can't stand the idea of Chrysalis destroying everything. She becomes a changedling during their adventures, and enjoys the idea of forming her own hive away from Thorax.

In Story Canon, she becomes a changedling when Thorax changes the changelings due to her love for Midnight Sonata. She embraces her own way of being a changeling with Sonata's help, and eventually experiments in all kinds of unsavory magic in an attempt to become a Queen. Unknown to her, her special talent is leading, and she becomes the leading expert in all negative emotional magic.