Prompt: seeing the world dull, the only vibrant color is the others eye color

Yuo never worried about soulmates. He knew the reason that he saw yellow so vividly was because it was the color of his soulmate's eyes, but never thought about it further. It was a strange color choice. For most, it was blue or brown, sometimes the green common to elves or the red common to tieflings. Mie once joked it must be a high elf, eladrin, or perhaps even a genasi. Yuo asked why not a tiefling, and Mie laughed and joked of course the aasimar would have a hellborn soulmate. Mie never told him what color she finds most vibrant. He never thought about it again.

Izzie once went on a search to find out what obscure color must be her soulmate's eyes. She'd grown up on fairytales and dreaming of princes, but without a soulmate, it'd never come true. She couldn't find a single color that stands out. Her father was a master of fate, and insisted that it didn't mean she didn't have a soulmate. It could simply be an eyecolor of pure contrast, like black, white, or gray.

"Gray? Is it really that common a color?" and her father simply smiled. He had gray eyes after all.


Izzie pushed her way past Roe and Leto to look at their obstacle standing atop of the draconic corpse. She made her case for not being handed over to the Architects, and barely realized the world had exploded into complete vibrancy due to the dull colors of the desert and her friends.

But across the battlefield, Yuo realized immediately that the world had become colorful by the purple of her hair and face. The very thing he was here to lock away was his soulmate? Perhaps Mie had been too close to home laughing about star crossed lovers after all. By the end of the fight he wasn't sure if he should be relieved his soulmate is in good hands and will be taken far far away from him, or upset he'll never see her again to sort this mess out.

Izzie only realized the world was in color when he was defeated and she could get close enough to his purple and black uniform to realize how vibrant the color was. How vibrant her own colors were. His gray eyes. Her soulmate! Right here! An architect trying to capture her. Who won't listen to traveling with them. She almost wanted to throw herself on him to *be* captured. But she couldn't. They'd meet again. Surely her father could arrange that?

He had absolutely arranged that.

Prompt: names written on each other's wrist

Izzerozi is a strange name. No surname. No obvious culture of origin for the name that he knew of. In the end, he dismissed and ignored the name. He'd likely never meet them anyway. Why fret over a stupid tattoo?

Yuo Miruhai. A name with origins in some Celestial naming conventions, though it really meant nothing in the grand scheme of things. Most planes were incredibly cosmopolitan. She was determined to meet him. One day she'd leave the tower and surely with her father's mastery of fate it'd take no time at all.

Izzie hadn't anticipated meeting him immediately. She had beaten him to a pulp.

"Damn it all.. Yuo... The name is Yuo."

"I- Wait. Does your wrist say Izzerozi? Are you my soulmate? Yuo Miruhai?"

"Oh, gods. You're my soulmate? I can't believe this.."

"You have to come with us!"

"It's better if I didn't.. Let me explain.."

And yet, Izzie refused to take a no for an answer, not a complete no. She offered him defection, whenever he needed it. For they would surely meet again.

And sure enough, it took no convincing from The Legendmaker to make him save her. She did her best to not rush a relationship.. But a drunk Izzie is another problem entirely.

Prompt: the things about your soulmate are written on your arm: their passion, their feelings on you, what they're thinking, an event they'll face today

Yuo's arm had been interestingly blank outside of a passion for books and the rare events written on training, magical surges, and little menial things. Their thoughts were usually the subject they read about, impressing their father, or 'whats my soulmate like?' and he wished they'd never know.

Izzie's arm was day after day training events, a passion for protecting others, and thinking about various soldier-y things. It barely changed despite how often she looked at it. It drove her nuts, and fueled more than one of her magical surges.

Yuo had begun to realize early on in his duty in the astral wastes that event: magical surge always meant going out into the desert and standing around waiting for it to ding his radar. His soulmate was in there, completely unaware of him. Izzie had realized one day the 'thoughts about you' had changed to annoyance. She hadn't met them! How could this happen? She'd love them and spoil them and they'd be great together! Why...?

Yuo saw his arm change. Her thoughts on him had gone from blank to confusion. Probably his fault. It didn't matter. It'd be better if she hated him, even.

The day she was to walk out his arm changed to event: meeting their soulmate. No no no no. He didn't want this day to come. Her arm changed to thoughts: dread. She barely noticed in the excitement. All she saw was event: meeting soulmate and couldn't contain herself.

After they'd soundly beaten him and let him say his piece she decided to ask. "Are you my soulmate? Show me your arm."

"What, you're going to ask me to strip down?"

"I-I.." She looked at her arm. The thoughts and current feelings were different. Feelings: Sweet. Guilty. Current thoughts: Guilty. Her cooking is good.

"It IS you! I-I can't believe.. An architect.."

"Yeah.. I doubt this'll work out."

"Nonsense! We'll meet again. I have fate on my side."

"If you say so."

They met again.. and she tried not to rush him too much.

Prompt: soulmates share a sky (but not the major celestial bodies) that they can draw on with thoughts

Izzie always loved to draw on the sky. She'd always write notes for her soulmate, questions that go unanswered, and for a while assumed by her nature that she didn't have one. It'd be nice if she did, though. If a reply would ever come.

Yuo was born to a sky without color. He had drawn it a few times, a long time ago. There wasn't a reply and he didn't really want one. A soulmate would just be something else to worry about. Then, the sky lit up with color. He reached out instinctively and accidentally smeared the colors of the sky by trying to bring them closer to read. After a few minutes, the colors were fixed, a new question appeared there. He couldn't read the language.

Izzie's heart pounded. She had a soulmate. They wouldn't answer her. Perhaps they couldn't? If they didn't share a language, then he couldn't read them. What language would they know, though? She was still mastering common. Deep Speech came instinctively. She had a reason to learn even more than wanting to read books. She had to talk to her soulmate!

Yuo's training kept him inside and away from distractions like the sky. It was always covered in new drawings done childishly. A soulmate he anxiously thought about sometimes. A girl he almost hoped to never meet. She always kept questions in two languages, common, and one related to celestial but definitely not the same. He never answered. If she was used as a weapon against him like Mie, he'd never forgive himself.

One day the sky was red and orange with desperation. Questions in both languages written with her own answers. She was in the astral wastes, her name is Izzie, and she lives with The Legendmaker in the tall tower. He decided to answer.

"I can't meet you."

Her reply was simple "I know, but I want to know you. Why don't you answer?"

"I don't want to be caught."

Izzie stared at the sky puzzled. The text in somber blues to show the feeling of fear. Where could he be where he'd be afraid to draw on the sky only they could see? What kind of situation? She was scared for him.

Yuo was now becoming an adult when he realized avoiding his soulmate would become impossible. His deployment to the astral wastes saw to that. He tried to resist, but it wasn't to be. The architects had a 'lost quarry' here that he'd be in charge of finding when the day comes. A weapon from the First Lord locked in the tall tower. He grimaced. He didn't want to think about the implications of his soulmate being in that same tower.

Orenoch had showed him the futility of banging on the adamantine gates. Every so often something happened in there that mandated he stand outside the gates while nothing happened, for hours. Often he'd stand there just to look up and see the sky changing. A written account of why he was there. Magical flares, mostly. One time he was desperately bored and wrote back.

"Stop getting into so much trouble."

She wrote back "Sorry! I must be worrying you. I'll try harder."

and he wasn't called back to the tower again outside of one, final incident.

He saw the sky read that today was the big day she'd get to go outside. He made it there by the time she'd dealt with the dinosaurs. He made a dramatic entrance and talked big about her, but she pushed her way past the much bigger men and asserted herself to the surprise of everyone.

She announced her name and he could not curse fate more. He didn't want this.

Yet she was so, so kind after he lie beaten. She was no different than her sky-writing made her out to be. He had to save her from the architects, somehow...

He was in the middle of covering his tracks as the sky changed. A recounting of what just happened. A promise to find him. He wanted to reply so badly but couldn't dare.

When Orenoch had left him for dead he did the only thing he could think of to get help.

He smeared the colors in the sky.

Izzie had worried herself into a fit. Her sky had been sullied, the questions she gave went unanswered. She'd gone and called her dad to help her, and he had the cryptic answer of that he was already doing so. She had to trust that, but she still slept fitfully. The next few days were terrible. She wished he'd write her back.

One day the sky had a message back. "I'm coming to see you." cryptic and mysterious. She was used to that kind of behavior from her father. She was so excited.

Then Orenoch happened. Yuo was supposedly dead. Even if she lost control here, her soulmate would save her, wouldn't he? She went mad. Yuo saved her. She was surprised.

"I said I was coming, didn't I?"

Izzie finally put two and two together.

Izzie kissed him on the mouth.

Prompt: telepathic link with infinite range

Yuo hadn't always had a voice inside his head. He was a little over 10, and the voice was a child like himself, babbling thoughts about deserts and her dad and her cool powers. He liked to chatter back about his training and his cool sword and other Executors. They were each others imaginary friends for a long, long time.

Until they cut him off by force. Izzie had panicked for a while, but had determined if she grew in her psychic powers she could possibly reestablish the link, but she'd have to make up some of the distance, somehow.

Yuo was assigned to the astral wastes and suddenly, the link came back.

"Hello, hello? Yuo? Is that your mind?"

"Izzie? How?"

"I'm psychic, silly! Of course I can fix this link! You must be pretty close to me!"

"Really now..."

"Yeah! Can you see my dad's tower?"

He did. It was his mission to keep harassing the gates until The Legendmaker revealed the weapon he'd made, but he had a sneaking suspicion it wasn't a weapon..

"Yeah, I can. It's not a good idea to visit, though."

"What? Why not?"

"The gates won't open for me or anyone I work for."

"You can't know that!"

"I'm already here, Izzie. You shouldn't have reopened the link."

Izzie ran out the door and slammed on the tenser's disk when it wouldn't go down. She heard her father call after her as she tried to reach the stairs and was suddenly yanked back. "It's not time yet, Izzie." her father said.

"I think it's better if we never meet." Yuo said.

Izzie was crying. "It's not fair.." she said to both of them

Neither one answered her.


The day she'd allowed out was exciting for Izzie, regardless. She was determined to find Yuo, who had gone completely silent on their link. Sure enough, she saw someone had been waiting for them. She recognized that mind. For all his posturing...

"Yuo? Is that you?"

"Save the tearful reunion, Izzie. Surely the old man warned you what's coming."

"He told me I'll have to fight for the freedom I want. He told me there will be people who want to hurt me. But.. Not you. You can't.."

"I'm sorry it has to be this way. If you're not ready now, you'll never be. There's more who will come after me. Stronger, better."

"It doesn't have to! You could just come with us! You could help us!"

"Ready or not, here I come!"

He insisted on a fight and she gave it to him.

She'd never felt worse about having to let someone go in her life.

She'd never been more angry about something in her life when Orenoch told her he was dead.

She'd never been more relieved when he was alive. and she yelled at him for not telling her.

She kissed him so hard he was breathless.

Prompt: everyone knows their soulmate's biggest secret. scars are shared between soulmates. You can only recognize your soulmate when they say your name for the first time. You relive their life up until this moment when you recognize them.

Yuo didn't want to meet his soulmate. Their biggest secret was 'Is a shard of the First Lord' the very thing he is sworn to destroy. His posting in the astral waste ends up to be restraining or killing her because he never gives away her secret. He's not sure if hes upset or not that he'll get to meet her before she dies. He's a little disappointed at all his scars that she must bare because of him. He's kind of curious what kind of life she must live, if he gets her to say his name. This is going to be awful..

Izzie is excited to meet her soulmate. He's left her so many scars to know him by. His biggest secret is that he fights to protect his friend Mie most of all and he'd leave with her if he could. So scandalous. Such a knight. She just can't wait.

"Have it your way, Sir Yuo-" She freezes. Memories are flooding into her head. So much torture and suffering at the hands of the Architects. A longing to escape. A need to protect others.

"Lady Izzie?!" Roe shouts as Izzie swoons.

"She'll be alright. The starspawn has.. Just met her soulmate."

"You?! Of all people?! Why would that have such an effect on her?! And that rudeness! You'll address her properly!"

"If I say her name I'll be flooded with memories of her life until this point. But we're getting off track-"

"Prove you're really her soulmate!"

"Izzie" he says, but it's not right. Nothing happens. “Must be a nickname, did she say her full name?”

“Ah, it was, Izzie-roezi or some such..” Roe answers struggling to remember already.

“Izzerozi.” and he's thrown into memories of suffocating isolation, an obsession with the mysterious scars, a desire to be strong to impress a knight she doesn't know-

Izzie throws herself onto Yuo and clings to him "You can't.. You can't go back to the Architects. They'll find out! They'll kill you!"

"Iz-Izzie.. I have to. I have to buy you time to get out of here. They're zealots.."

He regrets not having the strength to be the one to kill her. He doesn't want the Architects to touch her. She's so innocent. She doesn't deserve to suffer. If he dies for her, that'd be alright.

"I'm going to put faith in fate that we'll meet again. You have to get away from them."

"They have her, though.."

"It'll all work out, I'm sure of it."


Izzie was struck by an awful pain as a scar appeared across her face.

"L-lady Izzie.. Your face.."

Izzie wiped across Roe's shiny chest and looked at her reflection. It was large and ugly. A killer blow.

"No no no no.. H-he couldn't.. He couldn't be.."

"I'm so sorry Lady Izzie.."

Izzie cried most of the night.


Orenoch killed Yuo. Izzie went mad. Yuo saved her. He wasn't dead. How embarrassing.

"See! We saved Mie! I told you it'd all work out!"

"It did.." His smile at that moment could’ve melted her.

Izzie kissed him breathless immediately.

Prompt: you have fragmented visions when around things important to your soulmate. This makes your eyes change to their color and glow.

Yuo learned quickly that Izzie treasured books. Mie had come to tease him in private for the yellow glow, asking if perhaps his soulmate was an elf or a shifter. Yuo wasn't too bothered. It made reading at night easy. Though things were a little weird when he realized she enjoyed cleaning. He was often assaulted by visions of speaking to two very particular people without the words or context, but it made him feel kind of warm inside to know his soulmate had people close to them.

Izzie didn't take long to realize that Yuo liked swords and bread. She quickly became very, very good at taking care of swords and baking bread. The Philosopher saw her with glowing gray eyes more than he saw her with her ordinarily glowing yellow ones. This led Izzie to packing bread with her when she left. The visions she got, when she did get them, were full of pain, violence, and the usual military trappings. Rarely she would see glimpses of a bakery and kind people, but most of the time they were murders and watching a girl be agonized..

Yuo hadn't expected anything out of the ordinary on this mission, but then he saw the little girl with a mop and a broom strapped to her back, infused with her personal magic. His soulmate treasured cleaning supplies for some reason. He grimaced. This is bad...

He had been soundly defeated when she offered him a loaf of bread, and Roe had noticed the change of her eyes. She brought out her staff in her tentacles and his eyes glowed as well.

"Y-you're my soulmate.." Izzie said, shocked but sounding hopeful.

Yuo looked away from her "Yeah.. I doubt this'll work out."

"Nonsense! I have fate on my side!"

"If you say so." Yuo let himself have the smallest smile. Her confidence, her smile, was infectious.

Fate had always favored Izzie.