Author's Note

These are canon and exist within Izzie's diary. They are intentionally bad but full of emotion. You don't need to follow strict rules to write poetry and express a feeling.

Pure like the snow

Radiant like the dawn

Your smile is dazzling

Blinding my thoughts

A pledge made for me

A scar not yet faded

Eyes slowly soften

Gazes now meeting

Carry me to safety

The past does not bind

The future not written

Is ours to create

Love me sweetly

Gentleman you are

Look at me again

This is the future

That I fight for

I am a monster

Not a person

I have thoughts

I have feelings

But this form

Is all fake

I am slime

An aberration



Don't look at me

I am a monster

Look too long

You'll see it too

I am not pretty

I am not cute

These are all



There is darkness

Inside of me

It wants to hurt

It wants to rage

It will break free

I don't want this



Leave me first

I am a coward

I cannot leave

I love too much

Despite the risk

You see my best

You see my worst

You know what I am

Why are you still here

I don't know

But you're here

In my heart


And ever

You are the sun

Your light is what lets me shine

Your warmth is what fills my heart

Forever I am chasing your back

I am the moon

In the rare moments I eclipse

You are breathtaking

And in the moments you have your break

Always I am far from you somehow

They are the stars

Always there and always reliable

They twinkle to their own tune

I fear they will fall to grant our wishes

This world is the sky

Changing hues as we move

Barely can I see the stars

Til you are far from me

They need your light to see

Yet all they talk about is me

You are divine

I do not mean your blood

It is your very nature

Even human you would shine

Each celestial feature

Is perfect for you

Every pure feather

Every radiant glow

And your musical laugh

Each scar is not a blemish

But a proof you are real

That for mortals you'd bleed

To protect us as gods do

With the only way you have

Bless me again

With every touch

And every glance

Hold me in your arms

Oh savior of mine

Oh sun let your dawn in

Cover me tonight

The afterglow's faded

And I need your light

I spend sunset bitter

For the light that has passed

Night's army is winning

And soon I won't last

I am the darkness

Please cover me now

Smother me softly

In feathery down

They say I'm made of starlight

Yet I gcannot grant any wishes

I am the monster in my mirror

Bringing death and fright

Your light died tonight

The gods have taken you away

Where you will never shine

As I cry in the twilight

This pain that grips my soul

Is more than I can handle

I continue as you wanted

To make things right and whole

This mission you took on

Was never yours and yet

I will tie all your loose ends

I will continue until we've won

I have to say goodbye to our friends

For you and also myself

Just like you I'll be gone too

Someday soon we'll have met our ends

Someday we'll fill heaven with all our friends

Leave me first

I said it like a coward

Not knowing you would hear it

And grant my painful prayers

I wanted you to walk away

Not tumble into the sea

Leaving me pained and crying

For love that couldn't be

I was supposed to die

You were supposed to live

I see now I was foolish

I did this to me

How could I want to die

Knowing this pain it would cause

You've shown me I was wrong

Yet I cannot tell you I am grateful

You've missed so much in only hours

How much will you miss in time

Days, weeks, months, years

And the things we never did

Had I never loved you

What a different person I'd be

But I'd not be crying

That I did this to me

Had I gotten what I wanted

Had I died in your stead

You'd be the one in pain

And I would've done that gladly

But the reality is simple

I did this to me

I did this to me