Eggman Moon Copypasta

I've come to make an announcement. Orenoch is a bitch-ass motherfucker. He stole Izzie's mom. That's right, he took his gay-ass mismatched angel wings and stole Izzie's fucking mom, and he said his dick was THIS BIG and I said “Tentacles are better anyway!”. So I’m making a callout post on Orenoch, you have a small dick. It’s the size of this walnut except WAY smaller. And guess what, here’s what Yuo’s dong looks like: PFFFFFFFHT. That’s right baby. All length, no bends, no pillows. Look at that, it looks like two balls and a bong. He stole Izzie’s mom so guess what, I’m gonna STEAL HIS EXECUTORS. THAT’S RIGHT. THIS IS WHAT YOU GET, MY FUCKING SUPER HAREM POWERS. Except I’m not gonna just steal Yuo, I’m gonna go higher, I’m gonna SEDUCE MIE TOOOOOO! How do you like that Acamar?! I’M SEDUCING ALL THE NPCS YOU FOOLS! You have twenty three hours before my harem powers derail the fucking game! Now get out of my fucking sight before I seduce you too!


Izzie is linked at the arm to her husband and wife. She proudly announces “Gimme kiss!” and they both lean in to kiss her, bumping foreheads.
“Agh” they say in unison before kissing her cheek.
Izzie smiles wide. “Perfect.”
She does this almost once a week.