“Okay, so, hmm, where to start... Oh! So, over a millennia ago was the demon king Yul’yen! You probably know him from what was current, but, we’re going to use him as our basis. So, he was really bad and ruled for a really long time! Not too much that was written before or during this period survived, but what we DO know is the big story passed around about his defeat at the hands of the Original Hero, The Companion, The Holy, and The Magician.

After they defeated Yul’yen together, it's said that The Companion, jealous of the Hero, betrayed and attacked him, killing the others before setting off for their final reward! The Hero survived the attack and claimed his reward as well. And they all disappear from history after that. But without the Demon King, everything got better, and that’s when the Golden Age of Adventure starts!

The Golden Age of Adventure lasted a good millennia or so, full of heroes and villains and lots of interesting stories I’ve studied, but they aren’t really important to what you need to know. Which is that the Golden Age of Adventure ended with the rise of The First Lord and the start of The First War! It was terrible. He ate gods and broke entire planes! But he was defeated by a group called the Cardinal Legends! Oh, hold on, I have a great idea for this-”

Izzie shouts “Zmieniac!” and with a flourish of her hands, transforms into a man.

“Larkwing Belo! The North Wind! The Platinum Bolt! He once slew an elder dragon within its den from the tallest tower of the local castle; located at the opposite ends of a mountain valley! The great rival to Saren Scalebreaker! The elven ranger who inspired all other great elven rangers! Also, we met his son Sparrowhawk!”

Izzie raises her hand again “Zmieniac!” 

“Kairon Bridalgo! The Eastern Breeze! The Crimson Crooner! The man who beat Asmodeus in a contest of seduction! The one who commands the astral symphony! A true celebrity in all senses, for both his skill and his appearance!”


“Saren Scalebreaker! The Hurricane of the South! The Paleshade! Never seen without his armor even once! All he does is shrouded in mystery, and yet there is no rogue known to be kinder! His work with the bow in ways that could rival Larkwing!”


“Alden Lunaster! Bloody Gate of the West! The Heir to the Dragon Killing King! The Bloodcursed Prince! Said to use vicious methods to take down any kind of foe! If you name it, he’s killed it and made their power his own! He’s also really broody and mysterious! I’ve met him many times and I can confirm that” Izzie mimics the exact look on Alden’s face from that day.

“Zmieniac” Izzie turns into her father

“And so, those four were summoned by my father, and made into the original Cardinal Legends! Through their adventures, though they did not always get along, they met new people to adventure alongside them until their party had doubled in size!”

Izzie laughs in a quiet, thoughtful way, clearly mimicking her father. “But I should talk about my father first. The Philosopher or The Legendmaker, you will hear him called both. His name is unknown to all others, probably for good reason. I’ve never seen him leave the tower, but who would when he can conjure any kind of room for any purpose he needs? As much as dear Father tries to be a distant sort, he cares in many little ways, and I’ll always be proud to be his.”

Izzie turns back into herself for a moment “Okay, give me a breather, that’s a lot of magic to throw around. And precise details. Give me questions before I start on the other half of the Cardinal Legends.”

“Now, where were we.. Ah yes! And so, The Four Cardinal Legends made friends along their adventures! Allies, who became the Four Ordinal Legends! They all get lumped together as the Cardinal Legends though, don’t worry about it. These Ordinal Legends did less than the Cardinals due to joining later, but they are no less important for it!”


“William Galbeth! The Lionsoul of the North East! The Lion of Valor! The Tactician of the Cradle! The Cleric of All! The Generous and Charitable! He once tried to drop a building on me and spoke poorly of my father, so, I don’t really like him anymore! I don’t know what his deal is. Touch of Divinity also does some spooky horrible things, and he took over Port Palace, and.. I really wish he’d stop doing bad things! Moving on!”


“Brayven Alrinaestrae! The Justice of the South East! The Bite of Silver! The Silver Queensguard! Sworn Protector of the Monarchy of Platinum! Chief Paladin of Bahamut! A villainous dragon reborn into his silver scales after repenting, tales of his heroics span past recorded history itself!”


“Le’Faye Melonia! The Teacher of the North West! The Witch Queen of Cauldrons! A vistani who traveled far from Ravenloft-” Izzie freezes a moment as another memory bothers her.. And then starts back up “and runs a school of magic at the base of Yggdrasil! Her dalliance-almost-romance with Alden is so well known that it's been written into history itself! Forever an outcast as vistani and a witch, she is perhaps the least well-regarded Legend, but no less important! Also, I think she’s the best!”


“Elfayr Ateley! The Merciful Soul of the South West! The Blade of Mercy! The Battle Cleric of Kord! Said to bring merciful and swift death as easily as she gives healing and life!”


Izzie turns back into herself and pants lightly. “The last four aren’t as beloved as the first four, but, still! They were important for stopping and sealing The First Lord! They sealed him into a black skull, and just before they could, he cursed Galbeth and stripped him of his immortality! They say Galbeth is still around all these centuries later because of his piety and divine might, and I suppose that makes sense. He’s the only one who ages.”

Izzie thinks a bit “The war only lasted a year, but it was pretty bad. Almost everyone who fought died, and the Planescape still isn’t fully recovered. The drow were nearly wiped out, as were the githyanki. Divinity’s cradle became the heart of civilization as a whole and became where the now de-powered gods live, mostly. They’re still strong! Just not like they used to be. Especially not after the whole, siege thing… Still! That is your history lesson today! Any questions?”