Entry 8

Today was a whirlwind. It started where I thought we'd be arrested by Galbeth, and ended with him saving us. I thought we'd save Leto, and ended up his executioners. I thought Mie would help us, and she ended up losing her magic. I thought I'd show off to Yuo, and he ended up saving me yet again.

I need to write about Yuo Miruhai first. That moment just before the trials hearing him talk about himself put flutters in my chest. That I helped put him down that path. In my speech, I admitted my crush foolishly. When I said I wanted to protect someone, I didn't mean Leto. Everyone had great speeches, but my focus was on him entirely. I was so relieved the trials weren't too terribly difficult. Though the Roe-sting to help Roe was very funny. Oh, but, Yuo also has these beautiful wings made of pure light, and he even saved me from a nasty fall with them. He's just.. amazing. The way his hair moved when I used haste on him. The way he never lets up for a moment.

Mie is having a rough time. She got a lovely new outfit today that kept drawing my eyes to her lovely pale skin. Even with her scars, she really is pretty. Orenoch revoked her magic, and I assume you can replace her as her patron. It's a matter of talking to her first. I think she'll love to meet you, and that you'll really like her! Then she and Yuo will both be my guardians. It's certainly one way to do their job as ex-Architects.

The First Son of the First Lord was interesting. Rude, to call me a dreg and a betrayer, but it gave me more to go on. He was lonely and betrayed by Architects. I know you stole me from them. Why did they have me? What did they do? Why wouldn't Orenoch give me a straight answer? I'm going to talk to him privately and we'll see where it goes. I wonder what all that stuff from the Son was about rebirth and primals was about though. Are they trying to make a new world?

We met a pretty drow singer who saved us. The song was beautiful and so soothing. I want to hear it again, and my new friend Micaral seems to have a vested interest in saving her from Galbeth. The way Galbeth treats her is unforgivable. No kind of mind control or influence can justify that. Even if... I think if Tibby were on our side... I might have been his best friend.

We also made friends with Jack Moorwind (Osprey), and Micaral Kilsekana (Blackhawk). A pair from the Ranger's Guild that are just lovely. Both to talk to and in looks! It's good to have new traveling companions, and an enemy of my enemy is my friend. Micaral in particular.. He's quite cute and tempting.. But Yuo is the one who has my heart. Do I.. have a thing for white hair..?

Our four stowaways are some gith orphans that have taken quickly to becoming quite the ship crew. Roe and Faram both seem quite taken with them. It's already amusing to see them competing to be their dads. I wonder if that's why Faram is always snooping on my telepathy.

We also met the strange character Vincent Doyle. A writer and some sort of investigator. He sells his books stupidly high but then gave us free signed copies. Confusing, but I do get bored on the ship. You were never one to stock much recent fiction.

Before I break to bother my crewmates... I'm sorry Leto. I should have tried harder to intervene when you isolated yourself. I should have realized that we're never, ever safe from our enemies. I could have done something and I was too wrapped up in my own fears to do anything. All I know is that we successfully changed things so Astrill lives. We saved one life. We managed to not screw up something.

I need to tell Yuo how I feel before he dies.

[Written in the margin of the break is 'Izzie Miruhai' and 'Izzerozi Miruhai' repeatedly, along with Yuo's measurements for fitting clothing.]


<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 IZZIE MIRUHAI <3 <3 <3 I LOVE HIM SO MUCH <3 <3 <3

Faram encouraged me! And after helping save Astril maybe it was kind of his reward to me! He and Astril are really cute together. It's really hard to be sad about things when I have Yuo. Squishy says I have some kind of super great potential. Better than my dad, though I have no idea which one he means. I asked Faram to help train this potential since he's really good at psionic stuff. I hope that works out. I wanted it to show Yuo how I feel but, now I want it to protect him! Why does everyone think I'm strong, anyway? I always end up being the one getting rescued!

Once I finish fitting the Xanthous cloak I'll give it to Yuo. He deserves it. He's the one who made sure I could get there. I don't think I'm even surprised anymore that Yuo acts fatherly to the children. He's just so good at everything I could want!

[tears stain a line into the page]

Shouldn't have talked to Orenoch. Should have stayed ignorant. Everyone's working together against us, and we're in constant unceasing danger. Mie called me strong, but I'm too scared of what will happen if I break. If I'm too weak, we all die. I have to protect them. I have to become stronger. I have to stay vigilant.

How [deep speech swear] dare he say he cares more than my father.